Spanish Easter cake with Marmeladenfüllung
It is a green Thursday was exactly 14 years. My father and my step-mom not invited your car to the roof full with the things that should be in the Container. Then they drove off. The Direction Of Spain. In a new life. In order to emigrate. Funny, you always get told how hard it will be, when your children grow up and move away, sometimes far more tangible. But if your parents fly out again, and the home to leave, tell no one will have on the scope of the.
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Since you are there, belongs to Spain, also to my life. The Spanish culture, the Spanish food and the Spanish sun did me, of course, easy for me with the new home of my parents friends. Especially with the traditions and eating habits, also at the Easter holidays. Since there is so much to discover delicious, such as, for example, the Spanish Easter cake ? .

In Spain, the Spanish Easter cake "Mona de Pascua is". Traditionally, the cake is thought of as an Easter gift from the godparents to the godchild, therefore, the word "Mona", which is a "wrapped up anise compressor" expression for the gift. There are two different types of the "Mona de Pascua" cake. The a looks like a giant yeast dough pastry with a hole in the middle, decorated with hard-boiled eggs. The other one is baked like a biscuit. And this variant, we love the family and baking for years, the family recipe of a Spanish friend of my step-mom.
Spanish Easter cake You can, as I have crown made, for example, simply with a top layer of almonds, Butter and sugar. Or with a chocolate glaze of Your choice, complete plating. As I said, the Spanish have a colorful Easter gift from the cake. You can decorate the cake with chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, and colorful feathers. The more colorful the better ? .
But no matter how you decorated the Easter cakes, together, all variants, for that he receives a filling of apricot jam. However, I have varied the filling, and him, for example, with raspberry jam filled but also with vanilla pudding. In the case of the filling and the decoration to Your imagination so no limits ? . Google do it but times by how colorful the Spaniards with the "la Mona de Pascua" so. You'll be amazed.
By the way, a prerequisite is that You, the Spanish Easter cake tastes, You're a big sponge cake Fan like I, because the dough is similar to the sponge cake and the mouth-feel.
A more delicious idea for Your Easter Buffet are my simple Mini-cottage cheese-applesauce croissant.

Spanish Easter cake with jam filling
- 3 eggs, whole - size M
- 3 Egg Yolks - Size M
- 3 egg whites - to the egg-whites beaten
- 100 g flour
- 50 g cornstarch
- 175 g sugar
- 60 g almonds - finely ground
- 1 lemon, grated rind - like organic
- 25 g of sugar - For egg whites
- 150-250 g of jam, such as apricot - Alternative: vanilla pudding; whipped cream filling
- 100 g almonds, blanched - planed
- 100 g sugar
- 100 g Butter
- As the first heats the oven to 180 degrees top/bottom heat before.
- Then give You 3 whole eggs together with 3 egg yolks in a bowl. 3 eggs separated into yolks and whites.
- Now You give the sugar to the eggs and verrührst all the whorls of the kitchen machine or hand mixer, approx. 3-5 minutes to a frothy mass, which miraculously increased. In addition, vermengst You the flour, the starch of the flour, the finely ground almonds and the lemon peel abrasion to each other.
- The flour mixture You are giving to the foamy mixture and stir it under.
- The protein hit You with the 25 g of Sugarto egg whites.
- The egg whites will lift You and then gently under the mass.
- Now You give the Cake batter into Your greased Springform pan (about 26 cm) and put this in for about 40 to 45 minutes in the preheated oven on the second shelf from the bottom. After 40 Min. the first swab sample make.
- When the cake cools down is to cut him with the bread knife in two halves , and sprinkle it with Your desired jam filling , or fill it with vanilla custard or a cream mass.
- For the almond topping if You let the Butter in a saucepan to melt, give the sugar and leaves him about 1 Minute to slightly caramelize. Then You give the chopped almonds to it.
- The pad give You then on the cooled cake and let it also cool.
- TIP FOR AN ALTERNATIVE DURING THE BAKING: You can also, similar to how the butter cake or Bee sting, the almond mass after 30 minutes on the pre-baked cake and distribute the cake so that the remaining 10-15 minutes of baking. So is the almond ceiling nicely browned and crispy.
- I wish You a good appetite!