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Erdbeertaschen mit Nutella -

The Food Blog that makes it easy for you. The simple, successful safe recipe for strawberry bags with Nutella. A quick 30-minutes to pastries with sheets of dough....

Frischer Rächerlachs -

This simple recipe for quick puff pastry Pizza with smoked salmon and Dill. The fleet of puff pastry pizza scheckt also cold and fits to each Buffet....

Die Pilze sind eine tolle Zutat -

This simple recipe for mushroom soup with Curry. The warming mushroom soup tastes of the whole family and is quickly conjured on the table....

KitKat Ruby - die rosa Schokolade -

The easy recipe for raspberry Dessert tart with KitKat Ruby. The ideal dessert for a big raspberry Fans. The dream-Dessert in pink is an eye-catcher!...